HIGH CUT Korea Vol. 260 April 2020 - SEVENTEEN Mingyu Cut
Q: Winter is almost over. How has everyone been?
HOSHI: We finished the world tour well, we are taking a break and are slowly preparing for the new album. (We are also) doing individual work, each is receiving the lessons they wanted to take.
THE8: I’ve been taking dancing and meditation lessons lately.
HOSHI: Me too, I’m taking dance and tumbling (Q: Tumbling? I thought you know how to do it?) I can’t do tumblings well so I’m learning haha.
Q: The <Ode To You> world tour was wrapped up well. How was the experience of the tour for each of you? Were their new thoughts/realizations about yourself or about the team?
THE8: Surely it’s because we were able to meet a lot more people on this tour, I feel like I have to work harder to repay them whether it’s through the song or performance. I think we’ve all been able to refresh ourselves, feel a lot of things, and help each other in many ways.
HOSHI: This tour had a lot of performances. While going through each one, It made me think ‘Ah, If I was alone, I won't be able to do concerts like this’. Thanks to the members, I was encouraged and was able to finish it well. If I was alone, oh, I don’t think I could have done it.
MINGYU: Although it was a shame that we couldn’t finish the tour until the end, the concerts that we were able to do went well and I’m satisfied. It was hard, but we enjoyed it just as much. I also had a lot of thoughts that if you don’t keep learning and developing/improving, the audience might lose interest. Whatever it’s for, I want to keep improving and learning.
VERNON: For me, it was just so fun. I enjoyed it a lot. I think I want to prepare better and have a better time together next time. (I hope it’s) Not after too long, I want to see them again as soon as possible.
Q: While on the overseas tour, other than concerts, what else do you usually do?
HOSHI: Basically taking walks… and eating?
THE8: Actually, we don’t have much time, but when given the time, I go to museums, eat more delicious food or take walks through the streets. I want to feel (the place) as much as I can, and receive healing (from it).
Q: Among Seventeen, who eats the most Korean food?
HOSHI: Woozi?
THE8: Hoshi-hyung also.
MINGYU: I'm also like that, the members also can’t help but look for Korean food. When we go overseas, we order steak on room service, especially in North America, we ate almost all kinds of meat when we went out, so I really wanted to eat Korean stew! So after doing the concert, everyone wants to go to a Korean restaurant, and we go and eat there.
Q: The album <An Ode> was a little different from the musical colors that Seventeen has shown. Rather than bright and fresh, it has dark and deep inner sounds. Was your working style also different from the previous albums?
HOSHI: I don’t think there was a big difference in the working process, right? (SVT: *nodding*) Rather than the working style, I think the way we express it was a little different from what we’ve done.
VERNON: The focus was different. As you mentioned, these were songs that have a different look and feel. When we made our comeback, we had the great desire to make sure that those changes were delivered. I think we all focused on that.
HOSHI: I think that’s why this album has an ever more wide spectrum.
Q: May it be in the performance or lyrics, what conversations/stories did you have with the members, what parts did you put effort on with each other, in order to bring out the new emotions for <An Ode>?
THE8: In the case of the performance, there is one line of emotion that continues (from start) until the end of the song and the whole performance can be seen as one piece. I think we paid the most attention to that.
MINGYU: Right. We wanted the viewers to be immersed in it, so we focus as much as we can when practicing and on stage, and we practiced to emphasize that from the start until the end of the song leads to it becoming one whole piece. A similar case for this title song too-- the question which is the ‘killing part’ was the most asked; if it was the same as before, I would’ve been able to explain, but this time, rather than having one part, it’s the overall from start to finish, it would be nice (for viewers) to see the whole performance.
Q: Where do you usually get inspiration or get themes when you work?
MINGYU: When writing lyrics, we get themes/motifs from movies or beautiful phrases/quotes. When it comes to the subject, for Hiphop Team, it comes out while chatting, playing, etc.
Q: It’s already been 5 years since Seventeen debuted. If you compare it to an iceberg, how much of it is being exposed on the surface?
HOSHI: I think we really show everything that we have. We’re always learning to show new things and improve more. We’re not showing just the tip of the iceberg, but if there is an iceberg, we are a team that would wipe/sharpen off everything that you’ve seen, push and drag it along.
MINGYU, THE8, VERNON awesome…!
HOSHI: For example, if you have rice, you can put kimchi and it becomes kimchi fried rice, if you put shrimp then it becomes shrimp kimchi fried rice. We’re that kind of team.
MINGYU: The team is kind of like carbohydrates¹ . I think we’re so different now than from when we debuted. So I’m really curious what it would be like 5 years from now.
Q: 5 years later, I think Seventeen would still have a strong teamwork. When there are disagreements, how do you resolve it? I think there would already be a ‘conflict resolution manual’ by now.
HOSHI: It’s ‘majority’. Because there are a lot of people, we collect a lot of opinions when together. Although I think this is quite an obvious method, we really talk a lot.
MINGYU: In the past, if we didn't agree with each other, I think we would try to make you understand that 'I was right and you were wrong'. Now, everyone has a bigger understanding that it’s not wrong, (but rather) it's different.
THE8: (We) respect and consider everyone.
Q: So now you can understand just by looking at each other?
HOSHI: Just by looking… I don't know
MINGYU: We’ll know when we talk
HOSHI: We’d be fighting now if we only talked with our eyes
SVT: hahaha
Q: Do you tend to resolve conflicts right away?
MINGYU: In the past we used to think that (it's because) each has a different personality, but now we don't have much to fight about or get into trouble.
THE8: Right.
MINGYU: To begin with, we already know what kind of person each other is, what to do to make them feel better, or what to do to make them feel bad... So I don't think that's what's going to happen.
Q: So can you now unify your meals menu too?
VERNON: Uhm… now it’s… Everyone eats whatever they want to eat.
HOSHI: Is it because there are more manager hyungs?
MINGYU: This ‘flex’ on how we eat…
Q: What kind of conversations did you have at the beginning of this year? It’s already your 6th year anniversary, also regarded as the year of significant change.
THE8: I think we just talked a lot about how we want to be together for a long time. To take care of their health so we can do this for a long time.
MINGYU: Well, when 2019 started, it just felt like one of those times, I didn't feel anything new, But for this year, there’s a strong feeling letting go and starting anew. With the saying "Happy New Year', I really do want to receive a lot of luck. Be it a new beginning, I really feel like it's something new.
* t/n '새해 복 많이 받아’ - Happy New Year literally translations to “Receive a lot of luck~”
* t/n 훌훌 털어버리고 - Like letting go of something bad happened (and moving on or starting over)
Q: Following this, let’s say a blessing to the member next to you.
MINGYU: (To Hoshi) Don’t get hurt, stay health, makes lots of money and be happy
HOSHI: (To Vernon) Well money doesn’t matter, so just do what you want to do and enjoy
VERNON: What? Is that so? (To The8) So, money doesn’t matter…
MINGYU: What the I feel like I’m the only fool here!
SVT: Hahaha
VERNON: ( To The8 again) Have all your positivity back, it would be good if you could be healthy both mentally and physically.
THE8: (To Mingyu) Do all that you want to do. I’ll always support you. Hwaiting!
Q: When do you most get the most strength/encouragement from each other?
HOSHI: I have a hard time sleeping. (Q: It's hard (to sleep?)) Ah, we weren't talking about what I have a ‘hard time’ with but, where I get the most ‘strength’* from? Haha again again! For me, it's just when you go to the dorm, it's good that the kids are there at night.. If you try to sleep in your room and you can't sleep, and then feel lonely, right? It’s good that we can chat at night.
SVT: hahaha
THE8: Okay okay, since I came from a foreign country on my own, I get strength because I know everyone is by my side when there's something I can't solve by myself.
MINGYU: For me it might be obvious, but I get strength when the members are there. Of course I would want to be alone sometimes, and there are aspects of doing solo schedules which are good too, but I think being with 13 or even 2 people is just the most comfortable and reliable and I get strength from that.
VERNON: I think it's really just, we share a sense of belongingness to each other and that gives each of us strength.
*t/n hoshi misheard the question
Q: Rather than wanting to show concept change, Seventeen has always said about wanting to “capture their natural maturity”. Later on 5 years from now, have you ever imagined Seventeen’s matureness?
HOSHI: 5 years later? Well, I want to age coolly. I think of this for me and Seventeen, formal suits would fit us well, I want us to naturally get cooler as we get older. (Q: Will this energy still be there?) People don’t change that much. I think it will be the same.
MINGYU: We might get exhausted (easily), but I think the basics/our roots will not change. It's still amazing how these 13 people still get along.
Q: What’s the secret to have all 13 members that go along so well?
HOSHI, VERNON, THE8: It’s ‘luck’.
MINGYU: Like If I met someone who isn't Hoshi, someone who doesn't match the same energy as I do, I won't be able to do it even if I try. Right now, I think the 13 of us are a perfect match for each other. Of course, It's also because there's already been time (that we've spent together), but I think it's because I'm lucky to have met good people to take time and match with.
Q: Let us know a bit of your 2020 Bucket List.
MINGYU: I want to go on a trip. I really want to go to Europe. We can go together, but if not, I’d go even if I’m alone.
HOSHI: I want to eat not just to fill myself, but I want to fill my stomach with really good food. I’ve been doing that lately (Q: Don’t you want to try cooking for yourself?) Nope, I buy and then eat it!
VERNON: I want to raise a cat.
THE8: I actually wrote this down-- instead of letting go of passing emotions, I want to steadily make it into something whether through songs, dance, or art. By doing these, I feel like I'm going to become a better me. I'm going to spend this year again like this.
Interview/Translation Notes:
¹carbohydrates - like a metaphor for.. constantly growing...? lol
KR > ENG by kidmingyu @ Twitter
* Please let me know if there are any mistakes.