DICON vol 12 My Choice Is... SEVENTEEN - Mingyu Interview Cut
187cm, tall.
Eyes, nose, lips, pretty.
Mingyu's visual, is a shining visual. And it's reversal; a personality that's full of 'fighting'.
Beauty that's above all, but the overwhelming positive way of thinking that makes everyone around him feel happy.
Pledis officials even expressed that Mingyu is the 'King of Positivity'.
"He's really bright and cheerful. The positive mind is the end game. He's always smiling every time, he’s always smiling wide wherever he is. With that, he always makes everything around him enjoyable. He's a big star, a big star!" - BSJ
In addition to that, he challenges everything. His signature phrase 'If you're gonna do it, then do it'. As from Carats, "the member with persistence to do (anything), his values makes us proud." Another one of the reasons why Mingyu receives lots of love is because he is an all-around player. Dancing (well) if it comes to dance, rapping (well) when he raps, and singing (well) when it comes to singing, he does everything well. Isn't 'versatility' the word for Mingyu?
D: I saw your childhood photos. There seems to be a scar on your eyebrow?
MINGYU: Ah! It's a scar I got when I was 5 years old. I fell and hit the top of a kettle. Honestly, I don't remember it that well.
D: Please let us know your exact height (including decimal).
MINGYU: 186.2cm
D: After watching your vlog, I see that you have a lot of interest in interior design and fragrances. What's your standard of choosing scents? I'm also curious about interiors.
MINGYU: It's a scent I chose (after being) instinctively drawn to it. The same goes for the interior. It's not like I have a specific where I go 'this is it'. I choose it depending on my instinct (at that time).
D: I'm curious about Mingyu's pick on Netflix. Are you a Movie person or a Drama/Series person?
MINGYU: My pick on Netflix is 'Sweet Home'. I was looking for works that my fellow Inkigayo MC Song Kang-ssi has done and watched it. I'm originally a movie person. Recently, I'm also looking to watch dramas/series.
D: Mingyu isn't the type to enjoy playing games. How was it like writing the lyrics for GAM3 BO1?
MINGYU: That's right. I really didn't like games that much when I was young. I recalled the images of games that were vaguely left in my memory.
D: After Bittersweet, what if you can make a song with the title 'sweet and sour'? Who do you want to do the unit with?
MINGYU: Jeonghan. I think we'll match well as a unit.
D: There's no way but to feel hopeless when you fail a challenge. Do you have your 'own way of coping' with it?
MINGYU: I'm not the type to feel hopeless. Because the challenge itself is an experience. I comfort myself with (the thought of) 'you need experience to grow'.
DATE RELEASED: August 2021
MAGAZINE INTERVIEW PHOTOS by @love9yuever on Twitter
KR > ENG by kidmingyu
*Paraphrased some parts, let me know if there are any mistakes!
On reposting: Screenshot is OK. I would appreciate it if you can add a link back to this original post. Thank you!
*t/tmi: this should've been up earlier but I was having game night with friends hahaha srry ><