Magazine Interview

1st Look September 2021 - Mingyu Interview

For Mingyu 2021. 9. 3. 12:08


Q: How was your first shoot with 1st Look and Laura Mercier?

MINGYU: I was able to meet with a magazine I've admired and staff members I haven't met in a while. I've been excited since last night, thinking "tomorrow would be so fun". It was also fun because (even if) we're shooting a pictorial, everyone's reactions were really good. They're cheering here and there for each (photoshoot) cut. (laughs)


Q: And since you had a beauty photoshoot today, can you share a TMI about your own skin?

MINGYU: I have oily skin, so I have my own routine. I put moisturizing cream around three or four times a day. Put it on and on again when it dries, and put on a lot of it before going to bed. Even though I'm oily, I also use cleansing oil and cleansing balm often.


Q: You have oily skin, but it seems like you're on the dry side.

MINGYU: It's been like it ever since I was young. After I get out of the shower my mom would put a lot of body oil (and/or) cream/lotion (on me). I hated it when I was younger because it felt sticky, but now I look for it and put it on by myself. I also use body creams and perfumes with scents that match. 


Q: Right. The scent deepens if you use the body products and perfume from the same line.

MINGYU:There's a very small difference between the feeling of body lotion and body oil, even if they're the same scents. Then there's also a difference with how it feels when you layer the body products with perfume.


Q: Do you have special combination that only you do?
MINGYU: I shower with body wash, put on body cream, then spray perfume on top of it. I like the harmony of these three scents. On days that I feel like 'I want to be a bit refreshing', I feel like these three steps are a must (smiles). I feel empty when even one step is missing. 



Make-up: Pure Canvas Base: Primer in Hydrating, Flawless Lumière Radiance-Perfecting Cushion; Lips: Velour Extreme Matte Lipstick in Vibe

Q: How were the Laura Mercier makeup and products from today's shoot?

MINGYU: There are a lot of Laura Mercier base makeup and lip products among the products that I use. Because I met with these in today's shoot, I thought 'it was meant to be'. Especially the diamond cushion, it gave off a pretty sparkle as soon as it was put on the skin. I thought 'so this is why it's a diamond cushion. It's fancy.' In addition to that, I had a really good time as there were also the body care products and perfumes that I like.



Laura Mercier Ambre Vanille Body Cream


Q: What kind of scents do you usually prefer?

MINGYU: I like unisex perfumes. I'm the type to avoid heavy perfumes. If I have to specify, it's a bit like sweet scents? So I chose Laura Mercier's Amber Vanilla scent.


Q: What comes to mind after having a whiff of Laura Mercier's Amber Vanilla scent?

MINGYU: This is hard. I like scents that make you feel good after spraying it, and scents that make me feel  healing. And I do have the tendency to look for something that is uncommon, and feel like I want to do something a bit more special. This scent is the right fit for me.





Q: What kind of scent do you want to leave/give off?

MINGYU: A sweet scent (smiles). I don't want my scent to be too much. I also like scents that make you turn your head back when it passes you by. I encounter and pass by a lot of people while working. I want it to be a memorable scent for them.


Q: What kind of person is the one wearing Laura Mercier's Amber Vanilla scent? 

MINGYU: Seventeen Mingyu? Someone similar to me. I got the feeling that this scent was taken directly from my image (laughs).


Q: If you could give the Amber Vanilla body products or perfumes to a Seventeen member, who would it be?

MINGYU: Honestly, I don't want to talk about it. I (said earlier) that it would be nice if I'm the only one who knows about it. I don't want to share it with the members and in turn becomes Seventeen's scent. I'm gonna be the only one using it (laughs). 


Q: Do you like sweet drinks and desserts? 

MINGYU: For drinks, I like iced americano. It (tastes) clean, relaxing and refreshing. I can feel that my swelling/puffiness decreases and my circulation flows better when I drink americano. I also like sweet stuff. Strawberry latte with lots of strawberries in it, chocolate shake when I need to recharge, and I also really like vanilla shake (laughs).





Q: If Laura Mercier comes out with a product that has 'Mingyu' as the concept?

MINGYU: Body oil. Since my skin has a darker tone, I like the feeling when I put on body oil. I'm curious about the harmony when Laura Mercier's Amber Vanilla perfume meets oil. And I also want to design it's packaging.


Q: What would you like the design to be?

MINGYU: A long bottle that is matte--not glossy, designed with Laura Mercier's name in gold. I want to make it simple but luxurious. And (I want) the scent to not be as strong as you'd expect, and make it sweet (smiles).





Q: Should we talk about yourself now? How are you doing these days?
MINGYU: There are surely more time spent at home. As for schedules/work, it's gotten busier than before. 

Q: Why are you so busy? You've already concluded the promotions for <Your Choice>.
MINGYU: Before when you say " promotions have ended", there's a bit of freedom/relaxation. and saying "we're doing promotions" means it's (really) busy, but these days, it feels like as if there's no down time/period of inactivity. It feels like as if there's the album promos and then also have other work filled with it. 

Q: What kind of of work are you doing now?
MINGYU: We're currently preparing for the upcoming fan meeting. We're also working on the next album. In between those, we're also shooting (magazine) photoshoots like this, shooting advertisements, and have other schedules in between. Perhaps it's also because we're self-producing idols, there are also lots of meetings about various things.

Q: It'll take about 2 weeks if you have a meeting with each of the 13 member one by one.
MINGYU: Before, I thought 13 people was a lot. But now, it feels empty if one is gone. Even while eating, it's very obvious when one isn't around.There's also a running joke between people in the company 'it feels empty when one seventeen member isn't there', and they've gotten used to us (laughs). 

Q: It's now past 1PM. If you don't have any schedules, what are you usually doing at this time?
MINGYU: I wake up late, then either go work out or go to the dermatologist. I also go to work on correcting my posture (laughs). There's a lot of time invested in doing self-management. Ah, I also study. 

Q: Lies (laughs).
MINGYU: No why are you laughing (laughs). I actually do it. It's not anything significant, but I started studying about licensed property/real estate agents. 

Q: Really?
MINGYU: Yes. As a hobby. I've always been studying Japanese, and I've actually wanted to study English, but I got curious about it after watching the news recently. Also, one of our member's fathers got a license as a real estate agent. So I thought 'should I try it out too?' and bought a book (about it). It's not like I wanted to get a license, but I'm reading it to get knowledge and information. 

Q: Nowadays real estate has become a hot topic again. You seem to have a lot of interest in finance.
MINGYU: Wouldn't it be weird if you don't have interest in it? We have to prepare for the future. I don't want to fall behind. If I want to know about something I want to know about something, I'll get to it as soon as I can. There's nothing wrong about learning (smiles). 




B Cut photos: 

min9yu_k instagram


DATE RELEASED: September 2021

KR > ENG by kidmingyu  @ Twitter (I'll update if i ever post this on twt heh)

MAGAZINE INTERVIEW and PHOTOS from jww_969696, catdogtaste, 1stlookofficial, min9yu_k instagram


On reposting: Screenshot is OK. I would appreciate it if you can add a link back to this original post. :) Thank you! 

So many photos wow

*Please let me know if there are any mistakes!