Magazine Interview

GINGER Magazine November 2021 - Mingyu Interview Cut

For Mingyu 2021. 9. 21. 14:40



scan by jhhs7777 on Twitter

Q: If you could describe yourself in one word?

MINGYU: If I describe myself in one word, it's 'sky'. Generally always bright/sunny.


Q: What's your role in the group?

MINGYU: Sometimes the mood maker, sometimes the one who organizes things etc, I think I do a little bit of everything.


Q: What's something that got your interest lately?

MINGYU: Netflix and the massage chair. Watching netflix while sitting on a massage chair is the best!


Q: A challenge that you started out recently?

MINGYU: I started managing my diet/meals in order to have healthier body.


Q: What's a food that recharges your energy when you're tired?

MINGYU: I really like noodles! Noodle dishes fill me up with energy.


Q: When do you feel like you are 'cool'?

MINGYU: Uhmm... when is it? After taking a bath, or when applying lotion? (laughs)


Q: The most comfortable place to rest?

MINGYU: On the sofa infront of the TV in my room! I can relax the best here.


Q: Something that got your excitement/tension up recently?

MINGYU: When we played a game during the interview with GINGER (laughs). That was so fun.


Q: How are you spending time in the dorms these days?

MINGYU: I take a shower as soon as I get home! Then watch TV while sitting on the sofa below the aircon and relax.


Q: Personally, what do you want to do next time you go to Japan?

MINGYU: It may not be personally but having a concert is definitely what I want to do the most! Then for myself, I want to eat ramen after the concert.


Q: A hairstyle that you want to try out next?

MINGYU: Since I've always only had short hair, I want to try growing it out.


Q: A recent TMI?

MINGYU: To be honest, I spent 40 minutes thinking about what to eat for breakfast


Q: What are the 3 songs that you want to recommend to someone that wants to know more about Seventeen?

MINGYU: Not Alone, Call Call Call, Don't Wanna Cry. Those are personally my choices/style (laughs).


Q: How do you feel about today's shoot?

MINGYU: I still can't believe that the three of us are going to be on the cover! I'm curious as to how it would feel when I see (the magazine) in real life, so please make sure to send (a copy) to Korea! Promise!

scan by jhhs7777 on Twitter



scan by jhhs7777 on Twitter



What kind of person is Mingyu?

Jeonghan: Can you show us your sexy jawline? (laughs)

Mingyu: (laughing shyly)

Jeonghan: Mingyu's charm is him being mature. Let's leave it at that.

Mingyu: I'm glad that you said that! (smiling ear to ear)  



What kind of person is Jeonghan?

Mingyu: Jeonghan's charm is that he's sexy!



What kind of person is Hoshi?

Mingyu: Hoshi is a human! (laughs)


scan by jhhs7777 on Twitter

Mingyu Describing Hiphop Team Members



S.COUPS - Birthday 1995/08/08

Hiphop team's leader and Seventeen's general leader. "If you compare them to plants, he's like a red pepper. It looks spicy at first glance, then when you take a eat/take a bite of it, it's even more spicier (laughs)."





WONWOO - Birthday 1996/07/17

A rapper with an attractive deep voice. He likes to read and has great literary knowledge. In compasion, "he's like a pine tree that always stands green. His consistency and unchanging self makes me feel relieved."






VERNON - Birthday 1998/02/18

His specialty is utilizing his english skills in creating the vibe when rapping. (Compared to plants/scents) "The taste may not be as strong, but like a subtle/faintly fragrant fig... A friend with that kind of charm."




scans by: gyuuu_SVT on Twitter


DATE RELEASED: September 2021

JP > KR  by gyuuu_svt @Twitter (1, 2, 3 )

KR > ENG by kidmingyu  @ Twitter (I'll update if i ever post this on twt heh)

MAGAZINE PHOTOS from jhhs7777 


On reposting: Screenshot is OK. I would appreciate it if you can add a link back to this original post. :) Thank you! 

So many photos wow

*Please let me know if there are any mistakes!