GINGER Magazine November 2021 - Mingyu Interview Cut
Q: If you could describe yourself in one word?
MINGYU: If I describe myself in one word, it's 'sky'. Generally always bright/sunny.
Q: What's your role in the group?
MINGYU: Sometimes the mood maker, sometimes the one who organizes things etc, I think I do a little bit of everything.
Q: What's something that got your interest lately?
MINGYU: Netflix and the massage chair. Watching netflix while sitting on a massage chair is the best!
Q: A challenge that you started out recently?
MINGYU: I started managing my diet/meals in order to have healthier body.
Q: What's a food that recharges your energy when you're tired?
MINGYU: I really like noodles! Noodle dishes fill me up with energy.
Q: When do you feel like you are 'cool'?
MINGYU: Uhmm... when is it? After taking a bath, or when applying lotion? (laughs)
Q: The most comfortable place to rest?
MINGYU: On the sofa infront of the TV in my room! I can relax the best here.
Q: Something that got your excitement/tension up recently?
MINGYU: When we played a game during the interview with GINGER (laughs). That was so fun.
Q: How are you spending time in the dorms these days?
MINGYU: I take a shower as soon as I get home! Then watch TV while sitting on the sofa below the aircon and relax.
Q: Personally, what do you want to do next time you go to Japan?
MINGYU: It may not be personally but having a concert is definitely what I want to do the most! Then for myself, I want to eat ramen after the concert.
Q: A hairstyle that you want to try out next?
MINGYU: Since I've always only had short hair, I want to try growing it out.
Q: A recent TMI?
MINGYU: To be honest, I spent 40 minutes thinking about what to eat for breakfast
Q: What are the 3 songs that you want to recommend to someone that wants to know more about Seventeen?
MINGYU: Not Alone, Call Call Call, Don't Wanna Cry. Those are personally my choices/style (laughs).
Q: How do you feel about today's shoot?
MINGYU: I still can't believe that the three of us are going to be on the cover! I'm curious as to how it would feel when I see (the magazine) in real life, so please make sure to send (a copy) to Korea! Promise!
What kind of person is Mingyu?
Jeonghan: Can you show us your sexy jawline? (laughs)
Mingyu: (laughing shyly)
Jeonghan: Mingyu's charm is him being mature. Let's leave it at that.
Mingyu: I'm glad that you said that! (smiling ear to ear)
What kind of person is Jeonghan?
Mingyu: Jeonghan's charm is that he's sexy!
What kind of person is Hoshi?
Mingyu: Hoshi is a human! (laughs)
Mingyu Describing Hiphop Team Members
S.COUPS - Birthday 1995/08/08
Hiphop team's leader and Seventeen's general leader. "If you compare them to plants, he's like a red pepper. It looks spicy at first glance, then when you take a eat/take a bite of it, it's even more spicier (laughs)."
WONWOO - Birthday 1996/07/17
A rapper with an attractive deep voice. He likes to read and has great literary knowledge. In compasion, "he's like a pine tree that always stands green. His consistency and unchanging self makes me feel relieved."
VERNON - Birthday 1998/02/18
His specialty is utilizing his english skills in creating the vibe when rapping. (Compared to plants/scents) "The taste may not be as strong, but like a subtle/faintly fragrant fig... A friend with that kind of charm."
scans by: gyuuu_SVT on Twitter
DATE RELEASED: September 2021
JP > KR by gyuuu_svt @Twitter (1, 2, 3 )
KR > ENG by kidmingyu @ Twitter (I'll update if i ever post this on twt heh)
MAGAZINE PHOTOS from jhhs7777
On reposting: Screenshot is OK. I would appreciate it if you can add a link back to this original post. :) Thank you!
So many photos wow
*Please let me know if there are any mistakes!