Magazine Interview

SPRiNG Magazine March 2020 - Seventeen MINGYU

For Mingyu 2020. 3. 7. 20:44



Q: A Japanese word/phrase that you have learned recently?

MINGYU:  つよく / よわく (strong/weak)


Q: What did you do when you went to Dubai as Korean Wave Expo's ambassadors?

MG: We played in the desert and even met Dubai Carats, so it was fun


Q: Earliest childhood memory? 

MG: Going on vacation at Seongmodo Island (석모도) with my family


Q: If you can only wear one accessory, what would it be?  

MG: Bracelet and watch


Q: If there’s one food that you can eat that would make you full, what is it?

MG: Pork


Q: What do you always have to eat for breakfast?

MG: Rice (carbohydrates)


Q: Something you would like to say to Japan Carats?

MG: I hope SEVENTEEN can make you smile.




HipHop Unit Interview


Q: What was the most impressive moment so far?

MINGYU: I can't forget the opening of our concert in Saitama Super Arena. It was our largest concert venue then, and I was moved by the very loud cheers. 

Q: So far, what is it that you have worked on the hardest? 

MINGYU: I think I worked hardest in becoming a singer. Thanks to that, I (think) I’m in a position where I can firmly face any challenges that would come in the future.  I still want to grow more, but (now), I can relax a bit-- I want to be able to take it slowly and enjoy the process. 


Q: What makes your tension rise up (gets you excited)? 

MINGYU: Definitely while having a concert. I think that if I do raise my tension up one step further, I’d be able to make everyone enjoy it even more. It (concert)  is like an interaction.


Q: What do you respect most about the members?

WONWOO: It’s not easy to live with 13 members.  We respect each other (by keeping/acknowledging that) there’s a line/boundaries (that should not be crossed). Everyone has respect for each other.

S.COUPS: I think everyone is kind-hearted.

WONWOO: If we can’t accept each other, it won’t work. I think the most tolerant member is Mingyu.

S.COUPS: To be honest, I thought I was the most tolerant but after listening to this, I do think it’s Mingyu! (laughs)

MINGYU: It’s everyone (laughs). I respect’s Vernon’s freedom (free-spiritedness). It feels like he's someone who can do something spontaneously. I’m also envious of how he can express his opinions clearly.

VERNON: On the contrary, (I respect) Mingyu’s freedom (laughs). For example, when we get a vacation, I think he really fulfills it. 



JP + KR > ENG by kidmingyu @ twitter

MAGAZINE SCANS by konnichihello

As of 200306: edited for clarity and choice of wordings since original posting

*May contain inaccuracies, please let me know if there are any mistakes!