Magazine Interview

Esquire Korea Magazine November 2021 - Seventeen Hiphop Team

For Mingyu 2021. 10. 24. 15:09


Q: It's been a while since Hiphop Team had a photoshoot with just each other, right?

WONWOO: It's been almost a year since Hiphop Team had a photoshoot. I think we filmed well and harmoniously.

VERNON: I want to see the results soon. I'm looking forward to it.

SCOUPS: For me, it's been a while since I had a photoshoot so it feels a bit unfamiliar. But I'm feeling good as I was together with the members, and I think we wrapped it off happily.

MINGYU: Until now, Hiphop team have often worn mature suits for photoshoots. Today's shoot was done with BOSS MAN, and I can feel this particularly casual and young vibe. I think it matches well with Hiphop team. It makes us look younger too. (laughs)


Q: It's been a while since you had a shoot, but I think this combination did well. 
MINGYU: To be honest, I think it's the hardest shoot a composition with the four of us. So I think we did well in today's shoot, I'm satisfied.
WONWOO: Our teamwork is good right? I think our combination is always good.
SCOUPS: I like it because you're shooting 4 out of 13, so (our) faces can be seen very well (laughs). But more than anything, I like it because we can show hiphop team's image.

Q: How do you usually practice?
VERNON: To be honest, we are all free-spirited (laughs). We don't always feel like our combination is perfect, but we become very focused when we have to match/agree on something. We've spent time together, and everyone is also sincere/genuine when it comes to music. 
SCOUPS: Our combo is really good when it comes to work. But, do we match well on times other than that? (laughs)

Q: Compared to what you're wearing today, how is your usual style?
WONWOO: We wore very colourful clothes today, but I usually prefer solid coloured clothes. I wear a lot of clothes that are mostly white, black or achromatic. 
VERNON: I think I'm similar to Wonwoo. I like a basic style. 
SCOUPS: I think mine depends on where I have to go. It's kind of off to dress up flashily when going to the practice room, right? On days like today, where I have to change clothes often, I'd choose clothes that are easy to take off. 
MINGYU: I try my best to match the colours. If I'm wearing clothes that have black and yellow on them, 
my shoes will have 

yellow on them too. 

Q: Everyone doesn't go too far off from basic styles. But if its supported with those visuals, it's complete (laughs) 
SCOUPS: (laughs) Although it is a bit embarrassing to say that with our own mouths, but we're so thankful that you said it.
MINGYU: We're already looking fancy, it would be too much if we also dress up flashily. (laughs) Ah, sorry.

Q: How are you spending your days lately?
WONWOO: Because the work for our occupation is not the usual/regular, I normally live my day according to my work. After work, I spend the remaining hours doing my hobbies such as working out, gaming or reading. Lately, Mingyu has been persuading me to go out and ride bikes. I think I want to go out sometime soon. 
MINGYU: Please (laughs). Just as Wonwoo said, I enjoy small relaxations such as eating good food, have coffee,  etc.  in my free time between schedules.

Q: You spend your spare times with the members as well.
SCOUPS: Ofcourse. When I find a good restaurant, the people I'd asked to go out and eat together there are the members. When I have a new hobby, the members are the first people I think of too. And not only good restaurants or hobbies, but also on dramas and movies I'm into lately, I really do everything in life in general together with the members. I really like it as I can share my hobbies together with even just one or two friends.
MINGYU: So that's why it'd be great if Wonwoo could also go out and ride bikes together with me. (laughs)

 Q: Vernon has done broadcasts since he was young, even longer than not just Hiphop Team but everyone in SEVENTEEN. Your videos from childhood are being brought up again. Last Olympic Season too, a video of you and athlete Lee Kangin from a 2007 KBS N Sports show came up again.
VERNON: Right. It's a bit embarrassing, but a clip where I was provoking athlete Lee Kangin (t/n: currently a member of the Korean National Team), with me saying 'you're even worse on soccer than I am' came up on the internet again. That was actually on the script and I still remember shooting that scene. On the inside, I was like 'Ah, but I really can't play soccer, though. Can I even say this?' (laughs). Even back then, athlete Lee Kangin played soccer really well. So I find those things fun. Because it has already been revealed, and I can't do anything to help it either, so I just see it as a good memory. 
MINGYU: Wow, so Vernon met athlete Lee Kangin. It would be nice if you could take a new version of it now. The two of you have grown up so cooly. 


Q: Mingyu's nickname is '이메다 (imeda). It's a nickname given because your height is close to 2 meters, but don't you worry that you'd stand out too much when practicing the choreography?
MINGYU: I still have some worries about it now. I try my best to be considerate. We've promoted for a while now,  so my body's kind of used to it. I don't pay that much attention to my height now than compared to the past. Everyone in Hiphop Team are also on the taller side.
SCOUPS: Honestly, there are more advantages than disadvantages.

Q: You're the tallest, but you're also the one with most fears. (laughs)
MINGYU: Right. I really have a lot of fears. Don't people say other people are the scariest? But I have yet to get that feeling. Except for people, everything is scary. I'm afraid of the dark, bugs are scary too, ghosts are scary too, horror movies are scary too, I hate being alone. 

Q: While seeing this side of Mingyu, Wonwoo looks very calm, are you usually the type to not have any fears?
WONWOO: I also am a bit scared of bugs (laughs) but I don't feel scared when watching horror movies or going to high places. 

I'm a bit of the blunt/dull type, while Mingyu's the type to give good reactions.
MINGYU: It's because I'm very scared, so that's why I give more reactions. (Laughs)  

Q: On SBS' web show <MMTG>, SCOUPS' was thinking about changing his name. Your stage name is quite unique, so it's a bit hard to remember properly, or there are many instances when you get called the wrong name.
SCOUPS: I was called 'Jcoups' not long ago too (laughs). If it's like in the past, it's a situation that gets me stressed. But now I just think like 'so they were calling me'. There are also people who were able to know me because of my name. So I think of it as an advantage. I don't think I'll have concerns about changing my name from now on. 

Q: Are you able to put up with all the four-syllable nicknames derived from your stage name? (laughs)
SCOUPS: Of course, nicknames like 'Ratatouille' are so cute. 

Q: Seventeen is made up of Vocal Team, Performance Team, and Hiphop Team. What characteristics or advantages are there that makes Hiphop Team distinct from the other teams? 
WONWOO: I think it's the team that can show familiar but also intense performances. And since we write the lyrics ourselves, it's also a team that has so much ideas. Through these ideas, we're also able to decorate the stage a lot too.
VERNON: First of all, Hiphop Team's focused on rapping, and the advantange... should I go with 'visuals'? (laughs)
SCOUPS: Although there are various characteristics, I think there's a lot of charm with each and everyone's free-spirit (personalities). Also, compared to other teams, our challenging spirit is bigger. In Vernon's case, he boldly challenges music genres, Mingyu often tackles new challenges be it in his hobbies or his daily life. Isn't that Hiphop Team's advantage? 
MINGYU: Ah, you've talked about everything I wanted to say. I'm the same as the above. There are lots of ideas, we're free-spirited, challenging, tall, shining and handsome! (laughs)

Q: Even if you're in the same team, your music style preferences could also be different.
WONWOO: There may be differences in genres, but I think the lyrics are the most important when it comes to music. I'm the type to prioritize how well I can convey the meaning of the song. 
VERNON: Music that makes you react with your body? I like music that makes you bounce your head or dance internally. I think of the basic senses. I prefer music where I get a good feeling as soon as I hear it. 
SCOUPS: I'm not particular (with the genre) and take recommendations to listen to various music. I think you'll get locked in a frame if you only listen to music that you want to listen to, or music that you want to do. I think of it as a continuous learning process, so I'm keeping in touch with music. There's a reason for the existence of all songs. 
MINGYU: I'm firm with the type that I like. Even if there's a lot of music, there's music that goes in one ear and out the other, and then there's music that moves my emotions. The music that I usually like are calm/peaceful acoustics, but from the standpoint of someone that continuously does music, I'm also opening my ears to various genres. 

Q: I heard Wonwoo's the type to be fast when writing lyrics, and Vernon's continuously producing and writing since debut. Is there are know-how that only the two of you know when it comes to working with music? 
SCOUPS: Can I talk about this instead? First, I think Wonwoo has the confidence to write lyrics fast. He doesn't feel shy about his lyrics. So he doesn't ponder/hesitate about whatever lyrics he wrote. He thinks it's good if it's good, and I think he can make decisions quickly. I guess he can write quickly because he's a friend that has a strong belief in himself. 
WONWOO: Oh, thank you. (laughs) I also ponder about it, but in general, I revised it little by little from the first draft. Kind of like speed reading, there are things that come to mind quickly.
SCOUPS: Vernon is a hard worker. Efforts don't betray you. As he's a member that I'm always watching from the side, Vernon always keeps in touch with varieties of music, works hard and constanty thinks about music. As said earlier, he attempts a lot of new things. He's able to make a lot of good music with those efforts as his base, isn't it? 
VERNON: Oh, thank you. (laughs)

Q: Hoshi had an interview with <ESQUIRE> before, and he said Performance Team's characteristic is repeatedly practicing.  
Compared to that, Hiphop Team seems to have quite a free feeling.
MINGYU: Not getting caught on the Maginot Line (t/n: a point where you definitely won't cross), for example, when we're writing a song and thoughts don't come, (we) just disperse. To be honest, we don't make a lot of appointments too. If someone says 'Should we do it today?', we could do or not do it that day too (laughs). When working on the album too, we'll sit for two to three hours, drinking coffee and also chatting. And then there will be days where lots of work flows out, there will be days when there's only small amount (of work done)  too. There are days where all we do is write lyrics the whole day. I think that's why our teamwork matches well. If someone starts being focused, all others follow it well-- and the mood flows naturally on days when there are really no ideas coming up too.
SCOUPS: On days when we focus well, we really just sit down and just work all day. We don't put much meaning on gatherings. Because eitherway in the end, the results have to come out well. When we get together, good ideas may come up while talking, but it may also not come up too. So instead of deciding through how many hours we have to gather or how many hours to practice, we work according to the flow of that day. I think everyone matches well on that. 

Q: Is there a fun episode between Hiphop Team recently?
WONWOO: The mood while practicing is really fun. Various ideas come up much as we're free-spirited, But there's not one episode that particularly stands out. The team itself plays alot, we're the type to practice freely too... It's the joy that follows the flow of consciousness? (laughs) 
MINGYU: Ah, I think it was the most fun when we did 'Lilili Yabbay'. It's Performance Team's song, but we prepared it to show to the fans for the fanmeet. The image of us four practicing the dance was so funny. Everyone's (like) 'it's hard', we're lying down but grumbling that something hurts somewhere. That was a choice we made, but we're regretting it, (saying) why did we say we'll do this and complaining to each other. That process was fun.
VERNON: If I have to say my opinion here, I opposed this. But when we actually had to practice the people who  suggested
 that we do it are complaining and whining even more! (laughs) I think we came up with fun memories because of that. 

Q: If there's something you want to learn, or if you can't learn it, steal, from any Hiphop team member, what is it?
WONWOO: I think I'm have the least passion among Hiphop Team members, so first I want to learn about their passion first. Vernon's ability to speak english, and  I'm envious of SCOUPS' positive energy. Mingyu's personality is the complete opposite of mine. I envy that personality as a whole. Mingyu's capable to do all the things that I can't. For example, I'm introverted, but Mingyu can immediately get close to anyone he meets. I want to learn those things. But it's not to the point where I want to steal it (laughs)
VERNON: For me, Wonwoo's physique and I've always envied SCOUPS' athletic ability. Should I say I want to learn Mingyu's sociability? It's similar to what Wonwoo said that he wanted to learn from Mingyu, I want to learn the ability to be close anyone as soon as I meet them. But not as much as what Mingyu can do, just a bit weaker than that. (laughs)
SCOUPS: I also want to have Wonwoo's physique, and I'm envious of Vernon's skills that accumulated through his knowledge and effort in music. It's even safe to say that Vernon's almost a music teacher to me. And I want to learn from Mingyu's positive mindset. I'm the type to think of the worst possible thing to happen in any situation, but Mingyu is the opposite of that. I want to learn that positive side.
MINGYU: I've been mentioned the most (laughs). Just like what Wonwoo said, because our personalities are the complete opposite, and  I think I need to learn a bit of having time alone by myself like Wonwoo. Then I want to learn Vernon's english skills, and SCOUPS' cool-headedness. SCOUPS' is the person that could catch the parts that I miss out because of my excessive positivity. But since this also means that our synergy is good when we're together, I want to be in harmony (with them) instead of taking it. 

Q: Hiphop team seems to be the positive type when it comes to confidence and self-love.
WONWOO: This is a job where I can share various emotions with very many people. I've always thought that I have to know how to love myself first in for me to be able to give a positive influence. If you only think of negative things, only bad things will happen, right? I think I can also give good influence if I carry a positive mind for myself. 
VERNON: I think if you understand what kind of person you are and you acknowledge it, self-esteem and confidence will follow naturally. 
SCOUPS: To be honest, the person Choi Seungcheol's confidence isn't that high. But as SCOUPS, I think my self-esteem became higher because there are Carats(Seventeen' fanclub name) who love me. Even if you can't see its direct effect,  that's what I always think and believe. 
MINGYU: As what SCOUPS said, I think my confidence became higher because there are Carats who love us. On the other hand, my self-esteem should be high so I can be able to accept their love. And as a member of Seventeen I'm building up confidence bit by bit through the process of producing good results. It's a combination of different factors.

Q: SEVENTEEN's 9th Mini Album <ATTACCA> will come out soon. What kind of voice will you show us here?

WONWOO: I think I'm gonna end up making a bit of a spoiler. (laughs) We currently going through the Power of Love project, and through this album, we will be expressing a very passionate love.
VERNON: The last title song was 'Ready to Love', so you can think of this title track as the extension of that song.
SCOUPS: We will show you a performance that makes you feel out of breath just by watching our stage. 
MINGYU: You can feel various emotions in love such as fluttering, sadness, etc. From all of those, this album contains the love that best matches with passion, and I think it's the love story that matches well with SEVENTEEN. 

Q: It's gotten late, I think everyone's next schedules will be a bit different. As I think everyone's next schedule can also show their personalities, where are you going after this?
WONWOO: I'm going home. I'll have some rest.
VERNON: I will be recording.
SCOUPS: I'm gonna go and eat.
MINGYU: I didn't bring my wallet so I have no choice but to have SCOUPS to treat me food. After eating, I can go ride bikes, so it would be n ice if Wonwoo could go together with me (laughs)




Esquire Korea : .zip my record






DATE RELEASED: November 2021

KR > ENG by kidmingyu  @ Twitter 

MAGAZINE INTERVIEW and PHOTOS from @wonwoo_socute,

On reposting: Screenshot is OK. I would appreciate it if you can add a link back to this original post. :) Thank you! 

*Paraphrased some parts for better understanding. Please let me know if there are any mistakes!