Anan Magazine 190529 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU I sleep until I’m full of energy. It takes a lot of time for me to fully recharge, but I can move with so much power when I do, and I can’t go to sleep until my energy is at zero. I’m still sleepy when it’s time for everyone to wake up, and when it’s time for everyone to go to bed, I’d be the only one who’s still up. In other words, I’m a sleep late - we up type. Recently, I’ve been working on m.. Arena Homme+ April 2019 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU, JUN, DK, VERNON Q: This seems like an unusual combination. MINGYU: This is the first time we four got in the same car together. (laughs) We usually ride according to units or by hairshop*, so there were no chances to share a ride. JUN: Now that we’re together, how about we make up a new unit? In fact, the three of us, except Vernon, sang a bright song ‘Hello’, it’ll be nice to sing a cool song with Vernon. DK: .. Seventeen Japan Magazine August 2019 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU Q: An impressive summer memory? MINGYU: Actually, I recently went to Cebu with Joshua. It just happened that we both have the same days off. At 4 o'clock in the morning, we said "Let's go!" and hurriedly went to the airport, and got in the 7:30AM flight. (laughs) Cebu is a memorable place as I visited it with my dad when I was young. This is my first time to travel abroad on my own, and it went .. 이전 1 다음