썸네일 COSMOPOLITAN Korea April 2021 - SEVENTEEN Mingyu Cut Q. Mingyu kept saying 'I think my face changed a bit' while looking at his own photos. MINGYU: It must be because I lost weight, but it felt unfamiliar/strange to see my image on the monitor. It's a tiny difference that only I can see. Haha. Anyhow, it came out very cool so that’s enough for me. Q. How did it feel when you personally get to try and plan everything for the shoot by yourself? MING..
썸네일 Anan Magazine 190529 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU I sleep until I’m full of energy. It takes a lot of time for me to fully recharge, but I can move with so much power when I do, and I can’t go to sleep until my energy is at zero. I’m still sleepy when it’s time for everyone to wake up, and when it’s time for everyone to go to bed, I’d be the only one who’s still up. In other words, I’m a sleep late - we up type. Recently, I’ve been working on m..
썸네일 Arena Homme+ April 2019 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU, JUN, DK, VERNON Q: This seems like an unusual combination. MINGYU: This is the first time we four got in the same car together. (laughs) We usually ride according to units or by hairshop*, so there were no chances to share a ride. JUN: Now that we’re together, how about we make up a new unit? In fact, the three of us, except Vernon, sang a bright song ‘Hello’, it’ll be nice to sing a cool song with Vernon. DK: ..
썸네일 Arena Homme+ January 2020 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU 더보기 Q: How are you spending 2019? You’re currently in a world tour, how far in the world are you performing? MINGYU: The tour will continue until March, including the Americas and Europe. It’s very exciting. Q: There must have been a lot of concerns/worries while preparing the 3rd album . The key point must have been to capture how different your thoughts are now from when you were in your teens..
썸네일 DAZED Korea March 2019 Interview - MINGYU BETTER THAN YESTERDAY Q: We’ve met again. MINGYU: It was a really cold day in Itaewon when we had a photoshoot for December 2016 issue of Dazed. I remember everything about it. That was the first time I dyed my hair blonde, so my appearance also felt unfamiliar to me. Q: How old were you back then? MINGYU: I as exactly 20 years old then. I’m 23 now. I’m still young now, but I don’t remember how ..
썸네일 Seventeen Japan Magazine August 2019 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU Q: An impressive summer memory? MINGYU: Actually, I recently went to Cebu with Joshua. It just happened that we both have the same days off. At 4 o'clock in the morning, we said "Let's go!" and hurriedly went to the airport, and got in the 7:30AM flight. (laughs) Cebu is a memorable place as I visited it with my dad when I was young. This is my first time to travel abroad on my own, and it went ..
썸네일 Marie Claire Korea September 2019 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU FULL OF ENERGY The time has arrived for Seventeen's energy to explode once again. Q: You're having a comeback after 7 months. It might seem like a short time, but it's longer compared to the current trend (of idol comeback schedules). MINGYU: We've been working a lot in the past seven months, so it felt like time just flew by -- but hearing that we're having a comeback after seven months, it doe..
썸네일 ELLE Korea November 2019 Interview - Seventeen MINGYU *only Mingyu parts of the interview are here. See end notes. Set It Off Q: SEVENTEEN has changed. The mature and restrained performance is outstanding. MINGYU: Until now, SEVENTEEN's albums are a record of who we are at that time and in that present moment. We didn't decide to show change at this point, but as time went by, the story inside the album has also matured. Now, SEVENTEEN is in an imp..
썸네일 JJ 2020 Magazine Interview - Seventeen MINGYU Q: What you want to challenge in 2020? MINGYU: Film-making. Go and see different places and make a movie out of what I felt there. Q: Something/someone that made your heart flutter recently? MINGYU: When we heard about the dome tour. I really can’t wait for it. Q: Let us know a TMI (Too Much Information) ! MINGYU: I recently bought a camera. Q: A message to Japanese Carats MINGYU: I want to be e..
썸네일 SPRiNG Magazine March 2020 - Seventeen MINGYU Q: A Japanese word/phrase that you have learned recently? MINGYU: つよく / よわく (strong/weak) Q: What did you do when you went to Dubai as Korean Wave Expo's ambassadors? MG: We played in the desert and even met Dubai Carats, so it was fun Q: Earliest childhood memory? MG: Going on vacation at Seongmodo Island (석모도) with my family Q: If you can only wear one accessory, what would it be? MG: Bracelet..